Karin sent the "Your Blogging is Over the Top" award to me. I am new to blogging (both following and posting) so I was happily surprised to get this. I have seen it on other blogs and like reading other peoples' responses to the questions. I am going to send this on to some new blogging friends in order to learn more about them.
Here are the rules for accepting this award:
Answer the following questions using single word answers. (uh oh, not sure if I can do this but I will try.) Then, pass the award to 5 other people.
Your cell phone? Purse
Your hair? Blond (mostly)
Your mother? Missed
Your father? Loved
Favorite food? Pasta
Your dream last night? Don't remember
Your favorite drink? Mocha
Your dream/goal? early retirement
What room are you in? office
Your hobby? fun
Your fear? Loss
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here (with all my family)
Where were you last night? Home
Something you aren't? Thin (don't we all want to be thinner?)
Muffins? homemade
Wish list item? Craft room
Where did you grow up? Kenosha
Last thing you did? Laundry
What are you wearing? jeans
Your TV? Off
Your pets? Nutty
Friends? Wonderful
Your mood? Content
Missing someone? Mom
Vehicle? Yukon
Something you're not wearing? lipstick
Your favorite store? Target
Your favorite color? Green
When was the last time you laughed? about 15 minutes ago
Last time you cried? Laughed until I cried this past weekend
Your best friend? love her
One place that you go to over and over? Disney World
Facebook? yep
Favorite Place to Eat? Closed :(
The 5 bloggers I have chosen to pass this on to are:
JenniferKristinLindsayShannonTraceyI hope you will all play along!