Joanna, my fellow DT member from Sentimental Sundays, gave me this fun award. As with all awards, there are responsibilities. :) Here are the instructions for this award.
1) Express gratitude to the blogger that bestowed the award unto you... Joanna, I humbly accept this magnificent award. I am touched and honored that you bestowed this upon me.
2) Display this picture proudly on your blog. (Looks just like me.)
3) Be nice and provide a link to the person who gave it to you... Joanna's blog with her amazing creations can be found HERE.
4) Tell 6 outrageous lies about yourself and one truth, or switch it about and tell 6 truths and one will have to decide for yourselves what you believe.
5) Nominate 7 creative writers who might be into doing this .
6) Post links to the 7 you nominate and let them know..............
Okay, here are my truths and lies. You decide what you believe. Hint, I may have 6 lies, or 1, or something in between.
1) My secret (or now not so secret) guilty pleasure is watching Glee.
2) I am a Starbucks mocha junkie.
3) I love hip-hop music.
4) I couldn't live with out chocolate.
5) I have been to London 3 times.
6) I lost part of my right thumb in a tragic Cricut accident.
7) I stood next to Elijah Wood at a Hollywood Oscar party.
Here is the list of my victims. Did I say victims? I meant fun-loving friends that I am passing this on to.
1) Karin
2) Rhonda
3) Joanne
4) Maria
5) Marlene
6) Leanne
7) YOU - If you would like this award, I will gladly pass it to you. Let me know in the comments and I will come check out your truths & lies.
UPDATED: Because I can't follow the rules - I am giving this to an eighth person. I am also giving this award to Melanie because of her wonderful sense of humor and fun!
Here is my special twist on the award. I have some blog candy to give away. I will give away the Stampin' Up Hostess set "Picture This" (seen below) to one lucky person. To enter in the drawing, please see the following steps.
1) Link yourself up by clicking on the blue frog below.
2) Sign up to be a follower.
3) Share the news about my blog candy on your blog. (I would love it but you really don't have to.)
4) If you would like, leave your guess on which of the above "facts" are truth or lie in the comments on this post.
SU Picture This
How easy is that? I will use to pick a winner on 6-13-10 and will announce it on my blog. The winner will have to 6-20-10 to contact me or I will pick a new winner.
Cheryl's 6-13-10 blog candy give away
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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
You are to funny! Glad you have a great sense of humor.
Ahhh...thank you for passing this wonderful liar award on to me...heehee!!!!! I shall cherish it!
I have to guess that you did not lose your thumb in a Cricut accident, nor do you like hip hop music! ;)
Hmmmm...I'm going to say that you still have both of your thumbs, so that must be the "lie". Great sense of humor you have!
Youre too funny! I will say, #3, #6, and #7. Just a wild guess! I hope youre having a great day!
Thanks for thinking of me...This is so cute! Great candy too!
Oh boy.......OK, I will accept. Let me try and post it to my blog.
I will say maybe # 7 is a lie :)
ha ha
Thanks :)
Oh tell me no lies!!! let's see..the lies are all but #2. Thanks for passing this onto me. give me some time to come up with a lie or two or six!!!!
What a novel idea to have people guessing whether things about yourself are right or wrong! Wow that is a hard one but I surely hope you still have both your thumbs!
Tks #2 is the truth and the rest are lies. Will post when I get figured out who and a lie or 2
Pretty impressive Cheryl, the only one I don't believe is losing part of your right thumb in that tragic Cricut accident, ha ha! Thanks for sharing. ~Diane
hee heee, love the tragic Cricut accident LOL!!! Pretty set too;)
Hey Cheryl, I think my blog would look terrific with that fun badge so here is my list of outrageous DOINGS and/or secrets. Real or fake? You decide.
1. My roots match the rest of my hair color.
2. I drove drunk down the side walk in front of the police station.
3. I kicked a Frenchman in the shins for crowding in line at the Louve.
4. I weigh less now than I did when I got married.
5. I once had a breast reduction.
6. My beverage of choice is water.
Okay, now you decide and let me know. Am I a teller of tall tales or what?
Oops...I left off number 7. so here it is:
7. My neighbors have picked out my burial plot.
Need more? I'm just getting wound up.
FYI, I don't believe a word about that cricut thumb business. As for the rest, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Now you better not be kidding about posting this to my blog or it's going to look awfully dumb just sitting there without explaination. Lol.....Bwa-haha.....As for signing up as a follower, I can't do that, I've already been a follower, stalking yuor every move. Mel
You knot head. I'm just cracking up over this, and please note, I did post this to my blog. I follow rules. Tee Hee.....
Cool candy, thanks for the chance!! Congrats on the award, I think you lied about the cricut accident... the rest could be true but not sure.
Lots of love, Alex
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